
One year Bible reading plan

Good Reads

Redeeming Love

At non dui maecenas nulla imperdiet mi libero, arcu aenean enim tempor pharetra tellus fames amet.

Id quis enim, at rutrum gravida mauris, dignissim justo, sagittis proin feugiat mattis hac porttitor sed quam aliquam aenean ullamcorper nunc quisque urna tempor, urna elit vel metus, lacinia sagittis amet tortor.

The Masterpiece

At non dui maecenas nulla imperdiet mi libero, arcu aenean enim tempor pharetra tellus fames amet.

Id quis enim, at rutrum gravida mauris, dignissim justo, sagittis proin feugiat mattis hac porttitor sed quam aliquam aenean ullamcorper nunc quisque urna tempor, urna elit vel metus, lacinia sagittis amet tortor.

Get Out of Your Head

At non dui maecenas nulla imperdiet mi libero, arcu aenean enim tempor pharetra tellus fames amet.

Id quis enim, at rutrum gravida mauris, dignissim justo, sagittis proin feugiat mattis hac porttitor sed quam aliquam aenean ullamcorper nunc quisque urna tempor, urna elit vel metus, lacinia sagittis amet tortor.

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Here are a few recent blog posts about how we personally study Gods word and spend time with Him. We hope this encourages you too whether you are a new believer or have walked with Jesus longer than us. 

How to study the Bible

How I spend time with God

Id nullam massa morbi tellus ullamcorper dui mauris sed placerat at lacus lorem fringilla

How to journal

Id nullam massa morbi tellus ullamcorper dui mauris sed placerat at lacus lorem fringilla

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